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PZC Minutes 5-12-2009
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Louise Evans, Bart Pacekonis, Mark Abrahamson, and Michael Sullivan

                Elizabeth Kuehnel sat for Timothy Moriarty
                Daniel Van Horn sat for David Sorenson

STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer


Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The Secretary read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Thursday, May 5 and Thursday May 7, 2009.

1.      Appl 09-17P, Julie’s Barks & Bubbles LLC – request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit to operate a doggie daycare and grooming business on property located at 1678 Ellington Road, RC zone,

Peter Lund, representing the applicant, stated that nothing has changed at the site.  There are no complaints that he is aware of.  Hours stated in the original approval are being adhered to.  The Commission had no questions and there was no input from the public.  Public Hearing was closed at 7:40 p.m.

Banach provided the following report:

Request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit to operate a dog grooming/dog daycare/dog training business at 1678 Ellington Road, RC zone. The T&C permit was originally issued in 2007 and expires on July 24, 2009. The permit included hours of operation for the daycare from 7 am – 6 pm M-F; for the grooming services 9 a.m. -3 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 – 12 pm on alternate Saturdays.
The Planning Department is not aware of any complaints about this business.
The State licenses the facility. Their requirements cover such items as floor covering materials, size of runs, water, lighting, ventilation, temperature, and sanitation. It is required that feces and other excreta be removed at least once a day and runs washed down with hot water and disinfectant cleaner. Excreta must be disposed of in a sanitary manner. The animal waste and grooming waste are disposed of periodically by a licensed refuse hauler.
The wording of the T & C permit regulation is that, “Temporary and conditional permits may be granted by the Commission for a period not to exceed two years. Such approval may be given after a Public Hearing if, in the judgment of the Commission, the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served, and the appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially or permanently injured, and traffic and other hazards will not result from such use.”
If this application is approved, the planning department has no modifications to request.  

2.      Appl 09-09P, Specialty Auto Care Inc. – request for Special Exception to Section 7.9 and Site Plan of Development to allow used car dealership on property located at 1439 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone (continued from 4-28-2009)

Ernest Pierog, Jr. returned with a sufficient parking plan requested by the Commission at the April 28th meeting.  Questions from the Commission centered on properly marked lines, number of cars on site and the firm does repair on large trucks, buses, and vans.  Pierog also has a tow service and does repair work on some of the cars that are towed in.  No one from the public spoke.  Public Hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m.

Banach provided the following report.

1.      Request for Special Exception to Article 4.1.1A and Site Plan of Development to allow sale of used automobiles at 1439 John Fitch Blvd, I zone. The applicant is requesting ten parking spaces along the property frontage to display the used cars. Automobile sales are a special exception use in Industrial zones.
2.      There is a house on the front portion of the lot where the used car display is proposed. The area where the used car display is proposed is currently the front lawn of the house. It is my understanding that the remainder of the lot is used for a variety of automobile-related services including wholesaling vehicles and body shop work. There is very little paper history regarding this site. As you can see from the aerial photo, there is a large amount of outdoor storage of vehicles on site, none of which can be seen from Route 5.
3.      Impervious coverage is 42%, with 65% maximum impervious coverage allowed.
4.      There are two older variances on this property, from 1990 and 1991, to allow an auto body shop and to allow sale of not more than 5 used cars.
5.      The site is served by public water and sewer.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept has no requested approval modifications.
There were no engineering comments or comments from the public.
Public hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m.
3.      Appl 09-16P, TOSW Fire and Ambulance Complex – request for Special Exception to Article 4, Table 4.1.1A and site plan approval for approximately 24, 3000 ± sf facility for property located at 765 Sullivan Avenue, GC zone

Matthew Galligan, Town Manager presented this application.  His comments were as follows:

  • Presented history into the determination of the placement of the complex from 625 Sullivan Avenue to 765 Sullivan Avenue.
  • First site contained vernal pools and protected sedge grass.
  • Moving to this site promotes the addition of open space onto the Major Michael Donnelly Preserve.
  • Entrance and exit to the complex will be from West Road because placement of the complex will be approximately 100 yards up West Road.
  • Existing commercial front piece on Sullivan Avenue will be used for resale to enable recouping some of the finances used in purchasing of the site.
Brian Humes, Architect and representing the applicant had the following comments:

  • No difference in design of the site between 625 and 765 Sullivan Avenue.
  • Building will be approximately 20,045 sf.
  • Appropriate parking has been provided for.
  • Commercial property (6.65 acres) lies northerly of this property.
Open Space will consist of approximately 13.78 acres.
  • Proposed is widening and re-paving of West Road to the southerly property line.
  • Four bays face West Road with 2 bays facing the rear for the ambulance facility.
Existing elevation will remain unchanged including placement of the flag pole.
Building will be rotated approximately 40º on this site.
  • Traffic circulation will continue to the southerly entrance (similar to the firehouse located on Ellington Road).
  • Circulation is appropriate for the two facilities contained within the building.
  • Apparatus will not turn south on West Road unless there is an emergency on West Road.
  • Landscaping proposed is similar to what was proposed two years ago for 625 Sullivan Avenue.
Viney Wilson arrived at the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Glenn Martin, TO Design and representing the applicant had the following comments:

  • Stormwater Drainage Plan will be appropriate for this site.
  • Drainage is leading to 2 CBs located in the parking area then to a fore bay located in the southeasterly corner of the site.
  • A detention swale will be provided containing 2 check dams.
  • Up slopes on the swale and the forebays will have an appropriate conservation plant mix.
Drainage from the rear of the building will be directed to swale then to the forebay.
  • Utilities will be provided from Sullivan Avenue plus an emergency generator will also be provided.
Banach had the following comments.

  • Request for Special Exception to Article 4.1.1A and site plan of development approval for a new fire and ambulance facility at 765 Sullivan Avenue, GC zone. Lot size is 4.45 acres; minimum lot size allowed is ¾ acre. Lot frontage is 444 feet, 150 feet required. Impervious coverage is 38%, 65% allowed.
  • Special Exception criteria include:
  • The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • The application has met the requirements of the zoning regulations.
  • The land is physically suited to the proposed use.
  • Minimal, if any, adverse environmental impacts are created.
  • No traffic or other hazards will be created.
  • The impacts on the capacity of the present and proposed utilities, street, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other elements of the infrastructure will be minimal.
  • There will be minimal or no adverse effects on existing uses in the area.
  • Surrounding property values will be conserved.
  • The character of the neighborhood will be maintained or minimally disrupted.
  • The general welfare of the community will be served.
  • There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs.
  • Historic factors are adequately protected; or due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
  • The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.
  • The architectural design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well into the surrounding area.
  • There are two curb cuts proposed. The northern access is for the exiting of emergency vehicles and for first responders on a fire call. If current practice is indicative, fire dept. volunteers will also use these parking spots when at the firehouse for other fire dept business. The southern curb cut will be for the public and staff and will allow for two-way traffic.
  • There are no established parking requirements for this use. For uses not listed in the zoning regulations, the Commission determines the appropriate number of spaces based on similarity to the listed uses and/or standards available from recognized authorities. In this case, the architectural firm should have a good understanding of parking needs for fire and ambulance facilities.
  • The building is identical to the building approved by this Commission at 625 Sullivan Avenue in 2007. Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed the facility at that time and reported that they were very satisfied with the proposal.
  • Parking lot lighting consists of standard shoebox lights, full cutoff, with 20’poles. Walkway lighting is provided with full cutoff bollards. Building lighting is a mixture of full cutoff fixtures and decorative fixtures that are open on the top and bottom fixtures. There is a fair amount of uplighting along the front of the building and spot lit trees on the patio. The specifications for the uplighting appear to conform to our lighting requirements. The lighting plan shows three wall-mounted fixtures on the east side of the building that have extremely high fc measurements—as high as 153 fc. If these numbers are accurate, those areas will be extreme bright spots—which our lighting regulations are designed to avoid.
  • Proposed parking lot landscaping conforms to the zoning requirements.
  • The proposed detention basin is located off the street and will be designed to have a wet bottom.
  • There are regulated wetlands on site. The application was heard by IWA/CC on May 6; their hearing is continued until May 20, so we will need to keep this hearing open until IWA/CC has acted.
  • Signage is shown on the front of the building. The proposed sign is in conformance with signage regulations.
  • The Fire Marshal has reviewed the plans and requested that the fire hydrant be moved to the same side of the street as the firehouse.
  • Public water and sewer are available. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required.
  • There is a screened concrete dumpster pad shown in the northeast corner of the site.
If this project is approved, the Planning Dept requests that the Planning Dept review comments dated May 4, 2009, be addressed.
Doolittle provided the following report.

  • Label where the sidewalk and curb ramp down to be flush with the pavement for the handicap spaces.  
  • Clearly label where the concrete curb begins and ends.  Is all other curb Bit?                                                              
  • Show the concrete wheel stop locations on the plan.  
  • Run the building sanitary sewer lateral (from the middle of the building) straight out to the last sanitary manhole in the road.  The sanitary main can be shortened to meet this lateral.  This is a shorter run and will make it easier to access this lateral for maintenance.  The clean-out for this lateral can be either inside the building or outside.  
  • Move PCB5 25-30 feet to the north so it is by the back of these parking spaces.  Raise the front corner of these parking spaces (where this CB is currently shown) so it is higher and water drains back to this CB.  This will make it easier to keep this basin clear of snow in the winter and any water that bypasses this basin will run out into the road.  
  • Eliminate PCB3 and the 12” RCP leading from this CB to PCB2 as these are not necessary.  
  • Include a yard drain where the 8” drain pipes along the south side of the building T into the drain pipe that crosses the parking lot to PCB1.  This will allow access to these pipes for cleaning and maintenance.  
  • Change the 8” pipe crossing the parking lot to PCB1 to a 10” or 12” pipe for ease of maintenance.   
  • It looks like the ground elevation on the south side of the building needs to be raised a little to provide necessary pitch away from the building.  
  • Provide a detail for the stormwater leak-offs from the driveway and parking lot to the water quality swale and detention basin.  
  • Provide a detail for the detention basin berm.  The detention basin berm needs to be constructed of impervious material and keyed into impervious soil to prevent seepage through this berm
  • A 10 ft wide gravel access road is needed from the parking lot/driveway to the detention basin inlet, forebay and outlet structure for maintenance and inspection access.  This is typically along the top of the detention basin berm.  
  • Raise the top of the detention basin berm to elevation 87.9 so there is a minimum 1 foot of freeboard for the 100 year storm.
  • . Provide a detail for the weir at the detention basin outlet structure.  Is this a rip rap overflow spillway?   
  • Specify the size rip rap used for each location shown.
  • What is the elevation of the stone check dams in the water quality swale?  
  • The temporary (stone) lined channel is not necessary.  The channel and slopes should be stabilized with grass.  Erosion Control blanket is only required where necessary to control erosion, not on all slopes.  
  • Adjust the West Road plan and profile as follows:
  • Slope the road down at 1% from Sullivan Avenue to a low point (El 89.0) at about Sta. 1+00.
  • From this low point run up at 1% to elevation 91.5 at Sta 3+50.  
  • Then slope down at slightly less than 1% to a low point at about Sta 6+50 with an elevation of about 89.0
  • Then slope up at about 1% to blend in with the rest of the road or to match a new profile of West Road by the property line.  
  • No vertical curves are required where the change in grade is less than 3%.  
  • Include a set of catch basins at the low point at Sta 1+00 and pipe these together and to the existing catch basins along Sullivan Avenue.  
  • The low point at Sta 6+50 could have not curb with surface runoff to drainage swales along side the road to the existing cross culvert.  
  • Eliminate PSMH 1 and move PSMH 3 back to about Sta 4+80 to meet the building lateral.  Two sanitary manholes are sufficient.  
  • The slope of the sanitary sewer main may be reduced to the minimum 0.5% slope.
  • Revised the details for pavement per the Town of South Windsor standard details.  This includes 6 inches of gravel sub base and 6 inches of processed aggregate base.  The pavement in the driveway should only have to be 4 inches thick.  Welded wire fabric is not required in typical concrete sidewalks.  
  • Should there be expansion or saw cut joints in the concrete building stoop?
  • Use Town of South Windsor standard details for the detention basin outlet.  
  • Only 4 inches of topsoil is needed on the detention basin berms and side slopes.  
  • Include a long term operations and maintenance plan for the stormwater system.
Kennedy requested input from the public.

Robert Benson of West Road had concerns centering on commercial vehicles, traffic, road conditions, the sharp curve located southerly on West Road approximately 200 yards in from Sullivan Avenue, and truck traffic.

Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns.  Replies will be in Italics.

  • Open Space.  Approximately 14 acres will be attached to the Michael Donnelly Preserve; the 14 acres are located in the Podunk River flood plain; 625 Sullivan Avenue had no open space.
  • Apparatus traffic:  There are 3 different response areas containing apparatus moving to scene; headquarters respond to Route 5 area and south to Governor’s Highway; there is no need to respond to Strong Road area through West Road.
  • Tight corners on West Road.  West Road and Foster Road contain many tight corners with apparatus drivers driving accordingly.
  • Entrance onto Sullivan Avenue.  Entrance is similar to that of the stations located at Beelzebub and Ellington Roads; much safer for all not to have a traffic light at these locations; drivers check traffic and determine accordingly.
  • Traffic and improvements on West Road.  Curve could be straightened slightly to eliminate concerns.
  • Site line.  Preliminary work has begun to provide overall safety for all; improvements could be included in Special Exception.
  • Back up generator?  Yes, gas.
  • Circulation.  Circulation of traffic on site is closer to the building then the original design.
  • Snow.  Appropriate snow shelves will be provided.
Lighting should be updated.
  • Possibility of subdividing front piece?  No, already a buildable lot.
  • Environmental questions.  Woodcock (former owner) is personally responsible for any environmental issues.
  • Sight line.  Sight line is approximately 300’ north and300’ south.
Sullivan made a motion to continue this application to May 26, 2009.  Evans seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order at 9:00 p.m.

There was no public participation.

1.      CGS 8-24 Referral:  Proposed reconstruction and re-sodding of two multi-purpose fields at South Windsor High School – Matt Galligan Town Manager

Matthew Galligan presented this referral including its history.  Commission had questions that centered on drainage, proximity to brook, supervision of proposal, irrigation, and some unanswered questions.

Sullivan made a motion to reject this referral.  Van Horn seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was 5-1 with 1 abstention.  Evans, Pacekonis, Sullivan, Kuehnel and Van Horn voted for the motion.  Kennedy voted against the motion and Abrahamson abstained.

2.      CGS 8-24 Referral:  Foster Farm agricultural lease – Clay Major, Facilities Manager

Major explained the process of leases in South Windsor.  Commission requested explanation for the ‘right of first refusal’ to which Major replied that it was justified.

Evans made a motion to approve the above referenced referral.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

3.      Appl 09-17P, Julie’s Barks & Bubbles LLC – request for renewal of a two-year temporary and conditional permit to operate a doggie daycare and grooming business on property located at 1678 Ellington Road, RC zone

Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above referenced application with the following conditions:

  • This permit will expire in two years, on July 10, 2011, and will have to be renewed at that time if the use is to be continued.
  • Any new building, or alterations/additions to existing buildings, requires a building permit prior to start of construction.  
  • If the weekly dumpster pickup is not sufficient to minimize potential odor and fly problems, additional pickups may be needed subject to the Town Sanitarian.  
Kuehnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

4.      Appl 09-09P, Specialty Auto Care Inc. – request for Special Exception to Section 7.9 and Site Plan of Development to allow a used car dealership on property located at 1439 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone

Sullivan made a motion to approve the above referenced application with the following conditions:

All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.

Evans seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

5.      Amendments to Tables 6.5.8A, 6.5.9.A, 6,.5.10A of Section 6.5 to allow temporary lawn and sandwich signs in commercial & Industrial zones for a limited time – PZC discussion

Commission’s discussion centered on whether or not a permit should be required; placement of signs after closing of business; enforcement; too many signs cheapening the area; signs are to be only on private property; 1 year automatic renewal and removal before snow falls; blown over by the wind and responsibility; set parameters; public hearing do not promote public participation; and effected zones.  It was the consensus of the Commission to go to Public Hearing for this amendment.


Evans made a motion to extend the meeting.  Sullivan seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

6.      Amendments to Section 4.4.5.E to allow certain types of outdoor storage and activities to special Exception approval (I-291) Corridor) – PZC discussion

Commission discussed this amendment with the following concerns:  screening from all public streets; scale; activity that goes with outdoor storage i.e. landscaping; large industry could have much outdoor storage; impact on adjoining properties; harmony is required; not seen from highway; and dumpsters and roll offs should be considered.  It was the consensus of the Commission to go to Public Hearing for this amendment.

7.      Discussion regarding request from South Windsor Ten Pin, Inc. to use bowling alley parking lot for weekend flea market

No one was present from Ten Pin to provide information required.  It was the consensus of the Commission that this was not to be on the agenda again unless there was some one present to answer questions that the Commission might have.  No action taken.


The minutes of April 14, 2009 and April 28, 2009 were accepted by consensus of the Commission.


1.      Appl 09-21P, Axle & Spindle Truck Repair, LLC – request for site plan approval for dealers and repairers license at 13 John Fitch Boulevard, GC zone.

2.      Appl 09-22P, Town of South Windsor Batting/Pitching Facility at Nevers Road Park – request for site plan modification for a 3200 sq ft batting and pitching facility on property located at 150 Nevers Road, RR zone


Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

__________________________      respectfully submitted
        Date Approved

                Phyllis M. Mann
                Recording Secretary